Privacy Policy

Devium collects and sometimes saves your personal information for the sole purpose of delivering a fantastic, tailored, and safe shopping experience. Your personal information can be edited by visiting MY ACCOUNT. If at any time you would like us to delete your information from our records, just shoot us an email at with “PRIVACY POLICY” as the subject and we’ll take care of it for you.

We will never ever sell or rent your email address or any of your personal info to anyone… ever. We will also never ever share your credit card information with a third party, except those we’ve chosen to partner with to process payments who, you’ll be happy to know, we trust with our lives.

We use cookies not only to better understand how you use the Devium site, but to make the shopping experience easy, straight forward, and as convenient as is humanly possible.

From time to time, as tools evolve and our process improves, we may use your information in ways not disclosed in this notice, but not to mess with you or gain some kind of advantage in our customer/retailer relationship. Things change, that’s all. And when they do, we’ll let you know what’s happening so things don’t get weird. Cool? Cool.