A Gift for You—For the Red, White and Blue

A Gift for You—For the Red, White and Blue


If you knew that President Joe Biden recently declared this week National Flag Week in the US, or that Flag Day was the start of this week on June 14, you’re ahead of most Americans. 

Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 --and the original flag of the thirteen United States had 13 red and white stripes and 13 stars (white on blue) representing a constellation. 

Today the flag has 50 stars for our 50 states. The newest design was created in 1958 by a 17-year-old Ohio student who borrowed his mom’s sewing machine to create the new 50-star pattern. He handed in the flag as a class project and got a “B-.”  His teacher changed the grade to an “A” two years later, when President Eisenhower adopted the new flag design.

We find it fitting that we founded Devium USA on Flag Day 2015, on the day we committed to creating only products made from start to finish in America. 

Happy National Flag Week, and a happy birthday to us!

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